Find more suppliers for alternate and competitive sourcing.

Easily find credible new suppliers from a database of over 10M+ globally with over 350M insights and $9T in historical spend.

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Trust the industry’s most comprehensive and reliable data


suppliers of all sizes including small, diverse, & sustainable


supplier insights & data points


historical spend data


customer records update monthly

Millions of suppliers including small, local, diverse, and sustainable ones at your fingertips.

1 SEARCH for suppliers with ease

With 10M+ suppliers including small, diverse, and sustainable ones and over 350M data insights, you can learn everything you need to know about potential suppliers—all in one place.

2 FIND the needle in the haystack
3 TRUST the results

With 10M+ suppliers including small, diverse, and sustainable ones and over 350M data insights, you can learn everything you need to know about potential suppliers—all in one place.

Powerful filtering and search capabilities make it easy to find new suppliers with the exact products and services you’re looking for. And with unlimited access, everyone in your organization can be empowered to find what they need from credible responsible suppliers.

Detailed supplier profiles from over 350M data insights and detailed supplier information from hundreds of validated sources. Narrow your search by location, company size, revenue, experience level, and more.

2024 State of Supplier Diversity Report

Discover the latest trends and how over 350 of your peers are leading their programs.

Get our latest report to learn about the trends that have impacted programs and what leaders are planning for the next year and beyond. This annual report is a must-download for any procurement leader today!

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Supplier Explorer Key Features.

The features you need for the results you deserve.

Trust IQ
Find the suppliers your peers trust

TrustIQ enables you to find the best responsible supplier for your organizations by evaluating their previous experience working with corporate customers.

Pinpoint the best growth opportunities

Market Analyzer tells you how many small, diverse, and sustainable suppliers are in your industry, so you can see which spend categories have the potential for significant and meaningful spend growth.

Extensive Filters
Find exactly what you need

Easily sort your search and filter by key decision criteria including experience, size, location, certifications, ESG ratings, and more

Trust IQ
Find the suppliers your peers trust

TrustIQ enables you to find the best responsible supplier for your organizations by evaluating their previous experience working with corporate customers.

Pinpoint the best growth opportunities
Extensive Filters
Find exactly what you need

Go beyond Supplier Explorer.

Each product is powerful alone but they’re even better when used together.

Insights at your fingertips.

Find out how JetBlue was able to grow their supplier diversity program and manage supply chain risk during the pandemic

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Finding credible new diverse suppliers is the biggest challenge for 75% of organizations. Finding new trustworthy suppliers goes well beyond just networking events and industry group membership. Leaders make finding new diverse suppliers easy, low risk, and data driven.

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Struggling to get your supplier diversity program funded? Learn 6 key ways to get your program off to a good start, leveraging both internal and external resources.

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